My Song of Today

Today is the feast day of St. Therese the Little Flower.  She, in many ways, has been my greatest inspiration.  In fact, I owe her writings the credit for the idea behind this whole blog.  It was St. Therese who showed me how to recognize the many Mercies of God throughout life.  I would be at a loss if we did not, at least in a very small way, recognize her on this day- even though it is already almost over!!

When thinking of something to share with all of you from St. Therese's writings, I pulled out a very small book with many of her writings in it titled:  "Joy in Suffering."  I highly recommend it.  It sounds like an oxymoron, right?  Well, wouldn't you know, I opened right to a page that had a poem in it that St. Therese wrote titled "My Song of Today."  I could not have chosen a better "snip-it" of St. Therese for this blog than this little poem.

You see, St. Therese endured very intense physical pain, especially towards the end of her life.  But, alas, she never broke down in despair.  How did she do it?  She lived only in the present moment!  This little book said, "She made it her rule to live only in the present moment, realizing that the cross of the present is ever accompanied by its measure of grace, and thus rendered bearable, while grace is not at hand for the anticipated crosses of the future." 

St. Therese knew that God is with us in the present moment.  She left her past to God's mercy and her future to His providence.  In the present moment, she was not alone and had all the graces she needed to make the right actions in that very moment.  This is why, St. Therese said, " When we yield to discouragement or despair, it is usually because we think too much about the past and the future."

And so, I will leave you with this very little poem, written by St. Therese herself, who did many very small things with great love and thus, became the "Greatest Saint of Modern Times."

My Song of Today

What matters it, O Lord, if dark the future hover?
One prayer for its tomorrow- oh no, I cannot say;
My heart untouched preserve- and with Thy shadow cover,
If only for today!

She dared not look into the future:

If I dream of the morrow, my changeful thought affrights me,
My heart, inconstant, mourns and wearies of the way;
I long, my God, that pain and trial to thee unite me,
If only for today!


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