Day 14- A "Little Child" of Mary

"Mother, let my tired spirit rest beneath thy veil."  ~St. Therese

Preparatory Prayer:

Dear St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, I thank the Most Holy Trinity for all the graces lavished upon you, and through you upon the world.  I have great confidence in your intercession, both because of your power in Heaven, since you yourself said that "God would refuse you nothing," and because of your goodness and your promise that "no one would invoke you without receiving answer, since you would "spend your Heaven in doing good upon earth" and "let fall from Heaven a shower of roses."  Intercede for me with the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that the Holy Spirit may assist me to understand your teaching on "Joy in Suffering" and may grant me the gift of fortitude, that fired with a burning love of God and souls, I may eagerly follow you in joyous suffering and share in your glorious triumph.  I promise to show my heartfelt gratitude by doing whatever I can to promote your honor and to make you ever more widely known and loved throughout the world, for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity.  Amen.


St. Therese had such a "child-like" trust in the Blessed Mother that was both charming and yet simple, inspiring many to want the same devotion.  In the book "Joy in Suffering," it says "She was a 'little child' of Mary.  Just as a little child often thinks of its mother, goes to her with confidence in every need and danger, does all it can to please her and giver her joy and especially delights in trying to imitate her in everything, so St. Therese did with regard to her heavenly Mother."  St. Therese knew that Our Lady is the dispenser of all grace and so it was to Mary that she would turn for the grace to endure and persevere through any and all of her trials.  

The last poem that St. Therese ever wrote on this side of Heaven:

I fear no more thy majesty so far
removed above me, 
For I have suffered sore with thee;
now hear me, Mother mild,
Oh, let me tell thee face to face,
dear Mary, how I love thee,
And say to thee forevermore; I am
thy little child.


Dear St. Therese, I desire to be a "little child" of Mary like you.  Please pray for me to have the same delightful devotion to the Blessed Mother as you did- turning to her for the many graces I need to persevere through my many trials.  I long for the day when I too may tell my Mother face to face that "I love thee."

I also recommend to you my special intentions in this Novena (Specify your intentions.)  To one who has suffered so much for Him, God will refuse nothing.

Our Father....  Hail Mary....  Glory Be....


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