Obstacle or Opportunity

Its hard to believe that Lent is already here and there is a hint of Spring in the air!  It's almost as if God is allowing us to have a glimpse of the beauty of Spring, if only for a day.  I'm sure many of you have already planned out your Lenten fasts or prayers.  Even so, I have a little bit of inspiration for your Lenten journey.  Today, as I was watching the short video for the Dynamic Catholic- Best Lent Ever series, I couldn't help but be taken back by Matthew Kelly.  Not only Matthew Kelly but there was also a short witness clip of a young woman answering the question "Who do you want to become?"  Both of these people have inspired me today.  This may be because they both have had much suffering in their own lives and it is almost evident from the moment that they begin to speak, because they speak with such wisdom.

I don't know if you have noticed it before, but if you ever speak to someone who has suffered greatly, or who is going through a hard trial in their life, they almost have like a presence about them- a Heavenly presence.  I see it in people often, even just this past week, in a woman who was widowed a year ago.  They are more contemplative and seem to look at life with eyes of faith.

What touched me from the short video today, I would like to share with you.  Matthew Kelly shared his insight that our culture loves everything big and shiny but almost despises the "little things." He went onto say that God's way is love, and we love in the details of life.  We love in little ways that can result with a massive impact- on our culture and in our family.

I thought this was beautiful because this was the wisdom of St. Therese too.  She knew that we could become who God created us to be, just by doing each little thing that presents itself in our day with much love.  Matthew Kelly's idea for Lent is that if we make just a small step of progress in something little each day of Lent, then by Easter, it will turn into something very beautiful in the sight of God.  Our desire for this beauty will give us joy as we do these small things with love.

I also wanted to comment on the witness Jennifer Miller gave.  She said that she suffers greatly on a daily basis because of a skin disease that she has.  After her own reflection on Jesus' suffering she concluded that "The suffering that Jesus endured was His path to who He was to become."  How beautifully put!  She discovered that her suffering was not an obstacle but rather an opportunity to become the best version of herself- a saint.

How many things are there in our own lives that seem to be an obstacle to our holiness?  Have you ever thought of them in the light that Jennifer has, that these trials can actually be an opportunity?  An opportunity to become the best version of ourselves and the person who God created us to be?

My prayer for all of us is that we will be given the graces that we need to become a loving and joyful saint amidst the ordinary and little things in our lives that have been placed before us.

I truly hope your Lenten journey will be a memorable one for you;  one in which you will look back upon years from now and see the beauty in the little steps you took each day to become holy.


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